Automatic dispatch#

The primary function of autoray is to enable writing high level array / tensor code that is agnostic to the backend arrays being supplied. It does this via ‘automatic dispatch’, which has a few notable differences to other approaches:

  • It is automatic - generally neither you or the backend array library needs to implement any dispatch logic, instead autoray finds, if neccesary ‘translates’, and then caches the relevant functions when they are first called.

  • It is specialized for array functions and treats numpy as the reference interface for call signatures of ‘equivalent’ functions, although it doesn’t rely or numpy or require it to be installed.

  • Despite this, there is no fixed API as such - if a backend can be inferred, and the relevant function imported, a do call is valid.


The main function of autoray is do, which takes a function name followed by *args and **kwargs, and automatically looks up (and caches) the correct backend function. There are four main ways that the backend is inferred:

1. Automatic backend:

do('sqrt', x)

Here the backend is inferred from x. By default dispatch happens on the first argument, but various functions (such as 'stack' and 'einsum') know to dispatch on other arguments.

2. Backend ‘like’ another array:

do('random.normal', size=(2, 3, 4), like=x)

Here the backend is inferred from another array and can thus be implicitly propagated, even when functions take no array arguments.

3. Explicit backend:

do('einsum', eq, x, y, like='customlib')

Here one simply supplies the desired function backend explicitly.

4. Context manager

with backend_like('autoray.lazy'):
    xy = do('tensordot', x, y, 1)
    z = do('trace', xy)

Here you set a default backend for a whole block of code. This default overrides method 1. above but 2. and 3. still take precedence. The argument to backend_like can be a backend string or an example array.


In all the above cases do(fn_name, *args, like=like, **kwargs) could be replaced with:

from autoray import numpy as np

np.fn_name(*args, like=like, **kwargs)

Manual dispatch functions#

You can manually break the process into two steps with the following functions:

If you know you are going to use a function repeatedly, you can thus avoid the (albeit minor) overhead of dispatching each call separately, for instance:

def matmul_chain(*arrays):
    # if the arrays might be a mix of backends, use infer_backend_multi,
    # but here we just dispatch on the first array
    backend = infer_backend(arrays[0])
    fn = get_lib_fn(backend, 'matmul')
    return functools.reduce(fn, arrays)

Other special functions#

There are a few high level functions that might be preferred to attribute access, for reasons of consitency:

  • autoray.shape - return the shape of an array. In most cases x.shape is fine, but this ensures the output is tuple[int] and also works for builtins without calling numpy.

  • autoray.ndim - return the number of dimensions of an array.

  • autoray.size - return the total number of elements in an array

  • autoray.dag - return the adjoint of an array, i.e. the transpose with complex conjugation.

Functions for dealing with dtypes:

And for converting any array to a numpy array:


All of these can be called via do as well, e.g. do('shape', x).


In autoray a backend internally is simply specified by a string. By default, the backend of an array is name of the library that the class is defined in, and the relevant functions are assumed to be in the namespace of backend. If that is the case (e.g. cupy), then that library is already compatible with autoray. Note all backend lookups are cached on obj.__class__ for speed.

autoray also handles common cases where the functions are in a different library or sub-module (such as jax -> jax.numpy). This requires a simple mapping to be specified, which autoray does for various libraries.

You can explicitly register a backend name (and thus default location) for a specific class with the function register_backend:

register_backend(mylib.myobjs.MyClass, 'mylib.myfuncs')

Now when autoray encounters an instance of MyClass it will look for functions in mylib.myfuncs instead of mylib. You could also use an arbitrary name for the backend, and then alias it to the correct location separately.


autoray is aware of the scipy namespace and relevant submodules for numpy, cupy, jax, for example:

do('scipy.linalg.exp', x)


Once a backend is inferred and the location of the relevant functions is known, autoray tries to import and cache the relevant function from that namespace. Many libraries (e.g. cupy, dask, jax, autograd, sparse, …) actively mirror the numpy API, so there is little else to be done.

Some other libraries (e.g. tensorflow, pytorch, …) diverge from the numpy API more, and yet have largely equivalent functions, simply defined in slight different places with different names and / or signatures. autoray has a simple translation mechanism for:

  • when functions are in a different module (e.g. 'trace' -> tensorflow.linalg.trace)

  • when functions have a different name (e.g. 'sum' -> tensorflow.reduce_sum)

  • when functions have a different signature (e.g. tensordot(a, b, axes) -> torch.tensordot(a, b, dims))

If you want to directly provide a missing or alternative implementation of some function for a particular backend you can swap one in with register_function:

def my_custom_torch_svd(x):
    import torch

    print('Hello SVD!')
    u, s, v = torch.svd(x)

    return u, s, v.T

ar.register_function('torch', 'linalg.svd', my_custom_torch_svd)

x ='random.uniform', size=(3, 4), like='torch')'linalg.svd', x)
# Hello SVD!
# (tensor([[-0.5832,  0.6188, -0.5262],
#          [-0.5787, -0.7711, -0.2655],
#          [-0.5701,  0.1497,  0.8078]]),
#  tensor([2.0336, 0.8518, 0.4572]),
#  tensor([[-0.4568, -0.3166, -0.6835, -0.4732],
#          [-0.5477,  0.2825, -0.2756,  0.7377],
#          [ 0.2468, -0.8423, -0.0993,  0.4687]]))

If you want to make use of the existing function you can supply wrap=True in which case the custom function supplied should act like a decorator:

def my_custom_sum_wrapper(old_fn):

    def new_fn(*args, **kwargs):
        print('Hello sum!')
        return old_fn(*args **kwargs)

    return new_fn

ar.register_function('torch', 'sum', my_custom_sum_wrapper, wrap=True)'sum', x)
# Hello sum!
# tensor(5.4099)

Though be careful, if you call register_function again it will now wrap the new function! Note you can combine register_backend and register_function to dynamically define array types and functions from anywhere. See also register_dispatch for controlling which arguments are used to infer the backend for any function.

Composing new functions#

Sometimes you want to define a function that is composed of many array functions, but you want to dispatch at the level of the whole block, not each individual call, or indeed use a completely different implementation. For instance, you might want to use a numba or pythran compiled version for numpy.

The autoray.compose function allows you to do this. You decorate a function, that forms the default implementation, then you can register alternative implementations for specific backends. For instance:

from autoray import compose
from numba import njit

def my_func(x):
    # get how many elements are needed to sum to 20
    return'sum','cumsum', x, 0) < 20)

# register a numba implementation
def my_func_numba(x):
    s = 0.0
    i = 0
    while s < 20:
        s += x[i]
        i += 1
    return i - 1

# any calls like this now dispatch to my_func_numba
do('my_func', x_numpy)

Deviations from numpy#

As stated above, autoray does not have an explicit API, but where there exist equivalent functions, autoray uses the call signature of numpy as a reference. The following are deviations from this:

  • do('linalg.svd', x) - autoray defaults to full_matrices=False, since this is generally always desired, and many libraries do not even support full_matrices=True.

Comparison to alternatives#

  • The __array_function__ protocol has been suggested and now implemented in numpy. This will hopefully eventually be a nice solution for array dispatch. However, it requires the backend library to implement the protocol, which has not been done for common libraries yet.

  • The uarray project appears to have similar goals but is still being developed.

  • functools.singledispatch is a general single dispatch mechanism, but it is slower and requires the user to explicitly register each function they want to dispatch on.

  • plum is a general multiple dispatch mechanism, but again it would require registering every function for every backend explicitly.