Lazy computation#

Abstracting out the array interface using autoray also allows tracing through computations lazily. This is useful for a number of purposes, including:

  1. Investigating the computational graph, including cost and memory usage, of a calculation ahead of time.

  2. Doing basic computational graph optimizations such as constant folding and intermediate sharing.

  3. Extracting a flattened list of operations that can be compiled or translated to other libraries.

This is implemented in a very lightweight fashion in autoray using the array backend found in autoray.lazy.

As an illustration first let’s define a simple autoray function:

%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = ['svg']

from autoray import do, shape

def modified_gram_schmidt(X):
    # n.b. performance-wise this particular function is *not*
    # a good candidate for a pure python implementation

    Q = []
    for j in range(0, shape(X)[0]):

        q = X[j, :]
        for i in range(0, j):
            rij = do('tensordot', do('conj', Q[i]), q, 1)
            q = q - rij * Q[i]

        rjj = do('linalg.norm', q, 2)
        Q.append(q / rjj)

    return do('stack', tuple(Q), axis=0)

This function automatically dispatches based on X. Let’s start with a torch tensor:

# input array - can be anything supports
x = do('random.normal', size=(6, 6), like='torch')
tensor([[-0.5805, -0.4512, -0.2807,  0.3313,  0.4838,  0.1920],
        [ 0.3426,  0.2975,  0.3121,  0.3296,  0.7331, -0.2251],
        [-0.3725,  0.1051,  0.3351, -0.7794,  0.3566,  0.0568],
        [ 0.6077, -0.3415, -0.4634, -0.3796,  0.3007,  0.2547],
        [-0.0159,  0.5119, -0.0306,  0.1317,  0.0139,  0.8481],
        [ 0.1933, -0.5641,  0.7042,  0.1128, -0.1033,  0.3538]])

If instead we wanted to run the function lazily, we first call lazy.array to wrap x:

from autoray import lazy

lx = lazy.array(x)
ly = modified_gram_schmidt(lx)
<LazyArray(fn=stack, shape=(6, 6), backend='torch')>

LazyArray objects simply stores the following:

  • The function to be called and backend it came from

  • The args and kwargs to be passed to the function

  • A tuple of which of these are themselves LazyArray objects, known as ‘dependencies’

  • The shape of fn(*args, **kwargs) were it to be computed

If a lazy array is an input (as with lx), or has been materialized / computed, then it simply stores the result and shape of the computation, and has no reference to how it was computed. This means you should do any inspection of the graph before performing computation.


For speed and simplicity, there is not an actual graph data structure, instead the LazyArray objects simply track their dependencies (and not their ‘children’). However from this we can still traverse the nodes and extract an actual graph if so desired. Useful methods are:

  • LazyArray.ascend - generate every unique node in the graph, yielding dependencies before their children (i.e. a topological sort). This is the computational order. Nodes are also sorted by their ‘depth’, i.e. the longest distance to an input.

  • LazyArray.descend - generate every unique node in the graph, starting from the current node. Use this if order doesn’t matter.


Both these can be called as methods but also have top level function versions that also accept a sequence of LazyArray objects - i.e. multiple outputs.

You can also extract an actual graph using the following method:

Some built in graph inspection methods are illustrated below:

# print the lazy computation graph
   0 stack[6, 6]
   1 ├─truediv[6]
   2 │ ├─getitem[6]
   3 │ │ ╰─←[6, 6]
   4 │ ╰─linalg_norm[]
   5 │   ╰─ ... (getitem[6] from line 2)
   6 ├─truediv[6]
   7 │ ├─sub[6]
   8 │ │ ├─getitem[6]
   9 │ │ │ ╰─ ... (←[6, 6] from line 3)
  10 │ │ ╰─mul[6]
  11 │ │   ├─ ... (truediv[6] from line 1)
  12 │ │   ╰─tensordot[]
  13 │ │     ├─ ... (getitem[6] from line 8)
  14 │ │     ╰─conj[6]
  15 │ │       ╰─ ... (truediv[6] from line 1)
  16 │ ╰─linalg_norm[]
  17 │   ╰─ ... (sub[6] from line 7)
  18 ├─truediv[6]
  19 │ ├─sub[6]
  20 │ │ ├─sub[6]
  21 │ │ │ ├─getitem[6]
  22 │ │ │ │ ╰─ ... (←[6, 6] from line 3)
  23 │ │ │ ╰─mul[6]
  24 │ │ │   ├─ ... (truediv[6] from line 1)
  25 │ │ │   ╰─tensordot[]
  26 │ │ │     ├─ ... (getitem[6] from line 21)
  27 │ │ │     ╰─conj[6]
  28 │ │ │       ╰─ ... (truediv[6] from line 1)
  29 │ │ ╰─mul[6]
  30 │ │   ├─ ... (truediv[6] from line 6)
  31 │ │   ╰─tensordot[]
  32 │ │     ├─ ... (sub[6] from line 20)
  33 │ │     ╰─conj[6]
  34 │ │       ╰─ ... (truediv[6] from line 6)
  35 │ ╰─linalg_norm[]
  36 │   ╰─ ... (sub[6] from line 19)
  37 ├─truediv[6]
  38 │ ├─sub[6]
  39 │ │ ├─sub[6]
# how many times each function was called
{'stack': 1,
 'truediv': 6,
 'linalg_norm': 6,
 'sub': 15,
 'mul': 15,
 'getitem': 6,
 'None': 1,
 'tensordot': 15,
 'conj': 15}
# the counts as a pie chart
(<Figure size 600x600 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)
# the largest node encountered
# the sizes of all nodes encountered, in log 2
(<Figure size 2400x600 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: ylabel='$\\log_{2}[node size]$'>)

In all the above you can also customize the function that is computed for each node, for instance to estimate FLOPs.

# the peak memory required for all intermediates when 
# traversing the graph in computational order
# the total memory required for all intermediates when
# traversing the graph in computational order
(<Figure size 2400x600 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: ylabel='total size'>)
# plot the graph as circuit diagram
(<Figure size 1872.08x1872.08 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)
# plot the graph in using networkx or pygraphviz
(<Figure size 900x900 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)


When you are ready to actually perform the computation, you can call LazyArray.compute on output nodes:

tensor([[-0.5805, -0.4512, -0.2807,  0.3313,  0.4838,  0.1920],
        [ 0.3426,  0.2975,  0.3121,  0.3296,  0.7331, -0.2251],
        [-0.3725,  0.1051,  0.3351, -0.7794,  0.3566,  0.0568],
        [ 0.6077, -0.3415, -0.4634, -0.3796,  0.3007,  0.2547],
        [-0.0159,  0.5119, -0.0306,  0.1317,  0.0139,  0.8481],
        [ 0.1933, -0.5641,  0.7042,  0.1128, -0.1033,  0.3538]])


LazyArray objects clear references to their dependencies once computed and simply store the result and shape. This is to aid garbage collection and reduce memory usage.

The computation is done non-recursively. You can compute multiple outputs at once with the function lazy.compute:

lazy.compute([ly[0], -ly[0]])
(tensor([-0.5805, -0.4512, -0.2807,  0.3313,  0.4838,  0.1920]),
 tensor([ 0.5805,  0.4512,  0.2807, -0.3313, -0.4838, -0.1920]))

Sharing intermediates#

A basic computational graph optimization that autoray can do is to automatically cache LazyArray objects that are computed with the same inputs. This is achieved with the context manager:

with lazy.shared_intermediates():
    ly_shared = modified_gram_schmidt(lx)

# reconstruct the non-shared lazy graph
ly = modified_gram_schmidt(lx)

In this case you can see a slight reduction in the number of unique nodes:

ly.history_num_nodes(), ly_shared.history_num_nodes()
(80, 70)
(<Figure size 1714.64x1714.64 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)

Function, Variable, and constant folding#

Sometimes you may want to think of certain input nodes as variables, which might change from call to call, and any other inputs as constants. One option is to create ‘empty’ LazyArray instances with lazy.Variable, which just takes a shape and optionally backend, and uses a placeholder for the data.

lx = lazy.Variable((6, 6), backend='numpy')

ly = lazy.array(do('random.normal', size=(6, 6), like='numpy'))
ly += ly.T
ly **= 2 

lz = ly / (lx + 3)

(<Figure size 400x400 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)

If we tried to call lz.compute() now, we would get an error relating to attempting to use the placeholder data, we would need to substitute it in first.

However we can compute all the nodes that don’t depend on the variable like so:


# now all that remain is parts of the computational graph that depend on lx
(<Figure size 292.402x292.402 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)

If one wants to extract the function that the computational graph represents, in order to call it repeatedly with different inputs, then one can create a lazy.Function:

f = lazy.Function(inputs=lx, outputs=lz)
<Function(array_like) -> array_like>


By default, lazy.Function will compute constants, as we did above, this can be disabled by passing fold_constants=False.

# create a numpy array
x = do('random.normal', size=(6, 6), like='numpy')

# now we can call it on a raw numpy array
array([[1.60841992e-04, 8.12123221e-01, 1.97831460e+00, 1.13263167e-01,
        2.33488356e-01, 4.08718533e-03],
       [2.18269736e-01, 1.04576049e+00, 5.29610184e-01, 6.86544110e-01,
        4.30559858e-03, 1.45473766e+00],
       [3.47257338e+00, 1.07335438e+00, 1.32390470e-01, 7.11823564e-01,
        1.11092912e-01, 2.23358234e+00],
       [1.87099522e-01, 5.45491213e-01, 7.87780835e-01, 1.07803626e+00,
        5.32992554e-03, 9.09088651e-01],
       [2.97641208e-01, 3.39287590e-03, 5.68403161e-02, 4.84043497e-03,
        9.40752758e-01, 2.27492826e+00],
       [2.94115949e-03, 1.52417836e+00, 1.55115629e+00, 6.83576849e-01,
        5.76864117e-01, 1.09412185e-03]])


Such a function is created with the backend specific functions injected in, see the compilation section and autojit for creating such functions just in time for the right backend.

You can view the function’s source code using Function.print_source, or extract it from LazyArray objects yourself with lazy.get_source.

Comparison to alternatives:#

The main difference to other approaches is that autoray is super simple and lightweight, and is not concerned with complex optimizations or modes of execution.

As demonstrated below, the dispatch mechanism in autoray is compatible with tensors objects from both these libraries, so it is not an either/or situation. The comparison is only with regard to when you might want to use lazy computational graph tracing.


There are many reasons to use dask, but it incurs a pretty large overhead for big computational graphs with comparatively small operations. Calling and computing the modified_gram_schmidt function for a 100x100 matrix (20,102 computational nodes) with dask.array takes ~1min whereas with lazy.array it takes ~0.2s:

import dask.array as da

x = do('random.normal', size=(100, 100), like='numpy')
dx = da.array(x)
dy = modified_gram_schmidt(dx)
y = dy.compute()
CPU times: user 58.5 s, sys: 315 ms, total: 58.8 s
Wall time: 58.2 s
lx = lazy.array(x)
ly = modified_gram_schmidt(lx)
y = ly.compute()
CPU times: user 204 ms, sys: 12.1 ms, total: 216 ms
Wall time: 208 ms

Moreover autoray.lazy can also lazily wrap around more backends such as torch due to the automatic dispatch mechanism.


aesara is another nice library, and the successor to theano. It is much more heavyweight than autoray with a focus on optimizations, symbolic manipulations such as gradients, and compilation to specific targets (jax, numba or C). It also supports dynamic shapes, whereas autoray restricts itself to static shapes.

aesara is indeed quite compatible with autoray, but the fact that it often falls back to dynamic/unknown shapes occasionally makes things tricky.

import aesara
import aesara.tensor as at

# create equivalent of a Variable
ax = at.tensor("float64", (10, 10))
# construct the computational graph
ay = modified_gram_schmidt(ax)
CPU times: user 175 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 175 ms
Wall time: 174 ms
# aesara falls back to dynamic shapes quite often, which can be tricky
print(ay, shape(ay))
Join.0 (None, None)
# # if you want to view the graph, you could use pydotprint:
# aesara.printing.pydotprint(ay)

Actually compiling the graph can take quite a long time for anything but quite small graphs (similarly to jax/XLA):

f = aesara.function([ax], ay)
CPU times: user 5min 53s, sys: 189 ms, total: 5min 54s
Wall time: 5min 54s

However, the function produced, should be heavily optimized, and ought to be much faster than a pure python function for computations not dominated by large linear algebra operations.

x = do('random.normal', size=(10, 10), like='numpy')
array([[ 0.08811928,  0.45177107, -0.23512127,  0.56826279, -0.10209893,
         0.04483325,  0.00321893, -0.06721217,  0.23305057,  0.58194387],
       [ 0.20286314, -0.16805831, -0.22599417,  0.12787872, -0.0876818 ,
        -0.34810252, -0.36127286, -0.46075707, -0.61894859,  0.09165501],
       [ 0.13412721,  0.36994813,  0.700074  , -0.06636773, -0.23315896,
        -0.44683645,  0.13946412, -0.26698148,  0.07190328, -0.02673288],
       [ 0.1407475 ,  0.29877271,  0.14226686, -0.02852857,  0.04154398,
         0.75386262,  0.07329936, -0.44735181, -0.25730248, -0.16773645],
       [ 0.04966494,  0.17005891, -0.26316584, -0.51207777,  0.319918  ,
        -0.1089547 , -0.302915  , -0.43376454,  0.48719139,  0.07516769],
       [ 0.02527629, -0.27882853,  0.49141276,  0.35693951,  0.63621879,
         0.07151982, -0.34254243, -0.019437  ,  0.0824143 ,  0.13538384],
       [ 0.76372311,  0.15424796, -0.13639341, -0.06633823,  0.40270286,
        -0.13394064,  0.31463354,  0.2651581 , -0.12780612, -0.06467988],
       [ 0.46141628, -0.31660808, -0.04249231,  0.30744742, -0.37957198,
         0.08494901, -0.18073615, -0.13298267,  0.46522187, -0.41527374],
       [-0.27891892, -0.11882063, -0.1926552 ,  0.33001037,  0.3000039 ,
        -0.2147232 ,  0.58955971, -0.43279871,  0.09319829, -0.28700755],
       [ 0.19026913, -0.54471619,  0.12261167, -0.24092508, -0.14976652,
         0.14350703,  0.39536722, -0.21896414,  0.07494096,  0.58403977]])

Hopefully aesara will be another possible target for autoray.autojit, eventually.